Tips eliminate sleepiness
Here are some tips to get rid of drowsiness , of course, except drink coffee and sleep , hehehe
Get up from a chair and walk around for a while
In a popular study , Robert Thayer , PhD, a professor at California State University , that a walk can reduce sleepiness . due to run for 10 minutes to increase the energy up to two hours ahead . That's because when walking , oxygen is pumped through your blood vessels to the brain and muscles .
Rest your eyes to avoid fatigue
Hanging out in front of a computer for hours can cause eye fatigue . Eyes off the computer screen for a few minutes to make the eyes more relaxed .
Choose healthy snacks
Healthy snacks can boost energy longer, such as :
- Peanut butter on whole grain crackers or celery sticks
- Yogurt and a handful of nuts or fresh fruit
- Baby carrots with low-fat cream cheese sauce .
try to chat
If you are not concentrating , ngobrolah agan to make the mind relax for a moment . if ngaskus at home talking to people at home , at the office if talking to co-workers , if not most schools have a chat , Myspace dikeplak teacher .
Create a brighter workspace
Environment with dim lighting trigger fatigue . Studies show bright light can reduce sleepiness and increase alertness .
Inhale deeply
Deep breathing can increase blood oxygen levels in the body . It slows the heart rate , lowers blood pressure , and improve circulation , which in turn helps mental performance and energy .
The idea of breathing exercises is to breathe air into the stomach , not the chest . You can do it on your desk . Sit up straight , try this exercise up to 10 times :
* With one hand on your abdomen just below the rib cage and the other on your chest , breathe in through your nose and let your belly push your hand out . Your chest should not move .
* Inhale through your lips as if you were whistling . You can use the hand on your stomach to help push the air out .
Pull over while drowsy while driving
It is suitable for who like to drive . if agan are in a long journey , change the position of the driver as often as possible . Stop at least every two hours to walk around and get some fresh air . open car window , heard loud music ( voice ) .
Perform other activities to stimulasikan mind
monotonous work just as dangerous as it reduces the time to sleep and lowered alertness . try doing different activities , or activities that are more interesting .
drinking water
Dehydration can cause fatigue . Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat foods that contain a high water content such as fruits and vegetables .
Air noon regulate sleep cycles
Try to spend at least 30 minutes a day in the sun naturally . ( For people with insomnia , experts recommend to bed at the morning sun shines ) . Walk outside to breathe fresh air at the same time restore your senses .
The results of analysis of 70 studies in 2006 that involved more than 6,800 people , experts from the University of Georgia found a more effective exercise increases energy and reduces fatigue during the day instead of taking the drug . Regular exercise also improves the quality of sleep .
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