Not Just Coffin , ' Zombie ' Also Wandering in CFD Jakarta
Campaign dangers of smoking in the arena of Car Free Day ( CFD ) not only enlivened by the teens with costumes coffin . A total of 5 people with zombie makeup also venturing to remind how dangerous toxic smoke .
Neck and face the zombies filled scabs and sores , spots of blood was splattered clothes d . Although only make-up , looks pretty creepy zombies 5 . They also took pictures of the dangers of cigarette warnings .
" This is a way of capturing the initial impression . Much like cigarette ads always use a macho image , such as the fact that the fate of smokers these zombies , " said Chairman of the National Commission on Tobacco Control ( Komnas PT ) , Dr. Prijo Sidipratomo when found in the CFD arena , Jl Thamrin , Sunday ( 02/02/2014 ) .
As a physician , Dr. Prijo warned that zombies carry the message about the dangers of smoking . The risk of disease caused by smoking so much , ranging from cancer , heart and vascular disease , pregnancy disorders and impotence up .
Action of the zombies that are part of the Kick Off socialization pictorial warnings on cigarette packs was also attended by representatives from the Ministry of Health and a Healthy Heart Club Youth.
Obligation to include pictorial warnings on each pack of cigarettes will take effect in June 2014 . According to Dr. Prijo , Canada is a successful example of controlling the number of smokers with pictorial warnings .
" Canadians were well educated . Previously there was only a written warning , after applying the pictorial warnings significantly reduced the number of smokers , " said Dr. Prijo explain the importance of pictorial warnings , which are judged more effective than just in writing .
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